Well-loved teacher, Ms. Kamini Latchman is a ‘Special Person'

Rehanna Ramsay

9/11/20226 min read

…devoted to her role in education for more than two decades

“Studying and working while being a single mom of two teenagers is not an easy task; however, I always manage to put aside Sundays to spend with my daughters.”

Kaieteur News – Twenty-two years ago, if anyone had told Ms. Kamini Latchman that she would have been a teacher, she would have probably laughed at them. But now, she cannot see herself anywhere except in front of a classroom moulding the minds of the future generation. So steadfast, have been her efforts that she is well loved for it. In fact, it has earned her the title of “teacher of the year” on many occasions.

Well-loved teacher, Miss Kamini Latchman

It is no wonder that Miss Latchman is this week’s ‘Special Person’. Her selection perfectly coincides with the annual observance of Education Month held in September. The teacher who now doubles as the Human Resource Director for the Private School Camille’s Academy Inc. (CAI) started teaching when she was just 18 years old. She shared with Kaieteur News how she fell in love with the profession. Latchman spoke candidly about the many challenges she has had to overcome as she juggles the role of being a single mother and professional woman.

On a daily basis, Miss Latchman uses much of her energy to be of service to the over 1600 persons inclusive of students and staff at the academy.

“It’s hard work,” she said, adding that in times of difficulty, she often reminds herself to keep pushing for the sake of her two daughters and so many students who look to her for guidance. “Reach for the stars, for the sky is not the limit,” she said, as she vocalised the mantra that keeps her motivated in those challenging times. “As a teacher, I have seen myself blossom and grow into the confident person I am today,” she said, while noting that being on the job has aided her greatly in overcoming many insecurities.

She explained, “I was born with a cleft palate which made it difficult for me to speak clearly while growing up… I was very self-conscious about the way I spoke and how I looked. After I joined Camille’s Academy and got into teaching, I was given the scope I needed to become the confident person I am today. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have received and the people around me who pushed me to achieve higher heights…”

Throughout the years, Miss Latchman has not only grown in her personal capacity but she equally amassed qualifications in her field of work. She is a graduate of the University of Guyana, as well as Cambridge University. Her credentials include an International Advanced Diploma in Business Management and certificates in Effective Business Communications, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Finance, Business Organisation, and the Environment.

She also pursued studies in accounting as well as literacy. This week’s ‘Special Person’ has also acquired certificate courses in psychology, professional counselling, conflict resolution, and suicide intervention.

As a result of her qualifications, Miss Latchman has ventured into administrative work at the Academy. Today, she serves in the capacity of Human Resources Director where she is tasked with the welfare of over 125 employees across four locations. Her responsibilities do not stop there. She is also a member of its Board of Governors and a valued team member to a number of other distinguished organisations including the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA).


Miss Latchman is often awarded for efforts copping “The teacher of the year prize” on numerous occasions

During her interview with this magazine, Latchman spoke of how she was always ambitious as a youngster. She revealed that as a youth from the small village of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, she was not fortunate to have the opportunities for upward mobility readily available to her. ‘Spreading her wings’ seemed almost impossible to achieve as she came from very humble beginnings.

Latchman is the first blessing for the union between her mother Nalini and her late father, Roland Jhaman. She said her upbringing was “simple,” having lost her father at a young age, she grew up bearing witness to her mother, having to raise three children on her own– a task she described as ‘’not easy’’.

She recalled her mother made tremendous sacrifices to provide food and an education for her children. During this period, the young Kamini Jhaman whose surname later changed due to marriage made a vow to work hard to ensure that her mother’s sacrifices were never meaningless. After completing her high school education at Covent Garden Secondary, she began looking for employment in the corporate world.

However, as fate would have it, CAI then known as Camille’s Institute of Business and Science Studies, a private school, was being established during that same time right in her village. So, the young Latchman decided to give teaching a shot, she later discovered she had a hidden desire to mould the nation’s children.

Ms. Latchman is pictured at a business coaching event in Las Vegas alongside the founder of Action Coach Brad Sugars

However, to do this, Latchman knew she had to overcome some challenges, one of which was being an introvert; a persona which stemmed mostly from having a cleft palate, a condition she was born with, which impeded her ability to speak clearly. Latchman later benefited from a surgery that helped rectify the impediment.

She, nevertheless, recalled the times when “I was very conscious about my appearance and how I sounded, it affected my self-confidence so I did not want to be in the limelight for anything…but it was through teaching and the opportunities that I was given that I found my voice and developed the boldness to speak to audiences big or small and by doing this, I was able to overcome my fear.”

She continued, “I have a couple of people to thank for that, Ms. Camille Deokie, CEO of the Academy, has been one of those persons who believed in me and pushed me to achieve academic and professional success. My mother, and my daughters especially, are also forever my inspirations. Everything I accomplish or do is so that they have an example to follow.” Over time, her enthusiasm as an educator blossomed as her first success story was birthed by a batch of students who excelled at the then Caribbean Examination Council [CXC] examinations.


Since then, the well-loved teacher has helped to prepare hundreds of students to successfully sit the exams. She said seeing her students excel in school and in their individual career paths remains top on her list of professional achievements. She said too that seeing the young women in particular that she had the privilege of teaching become successful in society has always been a motivation for her.

Latchman’s achievement as a teacher has so far evoked great enthusiasm, for her to continue along the path of success. She posited that her “career continued to grow which provided opportunities for promotions,’’ but it required her to further her studies so as to elevate herself academically.

“I began studies with the Cambridge University where I graduated with an International Advanced Diploma in Business Management and certificates in Effective Business Communication, Marketing, and Human Resource Management in 2006,” she further stated.

During the years of 2007 to 2012, she pursued studies in accounting as well as training in psychology, professional counselling, conflict resolution, and suicide intervention. This eventually led to a promotion as Administrator when the institution’s second branch opened its door in 2013. Since then, she has been managing the school’s operations, which created no hindrance in self-development as she pursued further courses in guidance counselling, emotional intelligence, and self-development through the American University of Peace Studies Inc.


A proud moment: Miss Latchman is pictured alongside her two daughters and estranged husband at a CAI graduating ceremony where her eldest was among the top graduating students

Though she is an accomplished educator in her own right, Ms. Latchman is not quite finished with her academic pursuits. She is currently in her final year of studies for a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at the Texila American University. She revealed that the decision to get her master was taken following the death of her grandfather.

She said, “When I lost my grand-dad in 2020, I made up my mind to continue my educational journey… He was a father figure to me and my siblings after my father passed away and he was a well-known and respected person in the community…I wanted to do something in honour of his legacy.”

While this is one way of dealing with her loss, Latchman has learned to cope with life challenges to varying degrees. She said that she has painstakingly learned the real hidden strength of a woman after dealing with the separation from her husband.

Hence, the teacher praises the blessings of her two daughters for creating a reason to continue on this journey called life. She has since ventured into studies with the Association of Business Executives [ABE] and achieved her L5 Diploma in Business Management and Human Resources.

Miss Latchman receives a certificate as finalist of the Biz X award 2022

Latchman outstandingly copped the silver award for the ‘Employee of the Year 2020’ at the ‘Biz X hosted by Action Coach International in Nashville, Tennessee as well as an award for Director H/R in 2022 in Las Vegas – a feat which is indeed worth celebrating.

In addition, she recently completed training with TVET in Introduction and Delivery of Competency-Based Education. Working for the past 22 years as a teacher, and later administrator, has developed Ms. Latchman into a well-rounded individual.

Given her dedication and commitment to the growth of the Academy, she was appointed as a Director of CAI in 2020 to serve on the school’s Board of Governors during their annual award ceremony at the Princess Ramada Hotel. Besides her professional pursuits, Ms. Latchman also serves the community of Soesdyke as a treasurer for the Soesdyke Vishnu Mandir and the East Bank Demerara Praant, serving as the Public Relations Officer. She said, “studying and working while being a single mom of two teenagers is not an easy task; however, I always manage to put aside Sundays to spend with my daughters.”